No Fear MRI

If you have ever had an MRI you know the machine is loud and claustrophobic. While Child Life does their best to prepare kids for what to expect, the loud whirring, unfamiliar environment, and being forced to stay still can make this a terrifying experience for them, and difficult for healthcare professionals. Oftentimes when a child needs an MRI they are sedated, and while this ensures that they will not move, sedation comes with risks, additional costs, and recovery time.

That’s why we created our No Fear MRI package.

By donating to this initiative, you’ll help us outfit Child Life with the tools they need to reduce the need for sedation when kids get an MRI.

  • VR headsets with MRI simulation programs allow kids to practice what they will see and hear inside the MRI machine.
  • MRI Goggles are special goggles that can be safely used inside the MRI and allow kids to watch movies or shows while they undergo a scan.

➤ No Fear MRI

Your contributions turn a scary experience into an enjoyable one for kids in children’s hospitals across the globe. Child’s Play has a goal to equip 5 hospitals with a No Fear MRI package. Make your gift below to be part of this initiative.




Choose your way to donate:

  • $84 per month provides a No Fear MRI experience for 54 kids
  • $190 provides a No Fear MRI experience for 10 kids
  • $500 provides a No Fear MRI experience for 27 kids
➤ No Fear MRI